A.Svitojus: cooperation is the key to peace and security

On November 22, Lithuanian Minister of Agriculture Kazys Starkevičius, Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development Vladimir Bolea, Estonian Minister of Regional Affairs and Agriculture Piret Hartman, and Latvian Minister of Agriculture Armands Krauze participated in a multilateral meeting at the Seimas. The meeting also included the President of the Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, Dr. Arūnas Svitojus, along with Vice Presidents Vytautas Buivydas and Algis Baravykas.

The meeting discusses Moldova’s and Ukraine’s plans for EU membership. These countries are in particular need of support today, but also of the experience of all the Baltic States.

We support Ukraine and Moldova and recognize the significance of their integration into the EU, as our objectives and approaches are aligned. EU enlargement and cooperation among member states serve as guarantees of peace and security. We are pleased that the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development of Moldova, Vladimir Bolea, is interested in the experience of the Lithuanian Chamber of Agriculture in representing the interests of farmers and rural communities, both domestically and internationally, as well as in showcasing the Chamber’s work within EU institutions. Moldova faces a number of important, responsible, and challenging tasks ahead, and Lithuania’s experience, along with the insights from the Lithuanian Chamber of Agriculture, will be particularly valuable. Having been a member of the EU for over twenty years, we are eager to share our knowledge. I am also encouraged by the Moldovan Minister’s understanding of and support for the initiatives of farmers and rural NGOs, as he strives to create a supportive framework for their operations,” says Dr. A. Svitojus, President of the EAA.

Vytautas Buivydas, Vice-Chairman of the Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania  and the Lithuanian Union of Young Farmers and Youth, emphasized that in the 20 years since Lithuania joined the EU and began receiving support, there has been significant progress in innovation, along with many positive changes in agriculture, rural communities, and rural SMEs. Additionally, a number of applications from young farmers have been considered, leading to an increase in the support envelope. “We collaborate with the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA), we are members of the European Youth Forum (EYF), and we are part of the EAA, which has an extensive network for cooperation with other EU farmers’ self-management organizations. We recognize the importance of collaboration, exchanging experiences, and sharing insights for the future. There are always numerous issues that require us to work together,” Vytautas Buivydas notes.

“European solidarity is more important than ever, and Moldova’s support is particularly needed, as some of our citizens live in a virtual reality created by Russia. We aim to wake up at least 51% of voters before the elections. This is probably already difficult for you to understand today, because you live in a democratic world. In order to join the EU, we are interested not only in the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy and Lithuania’s Strategic Plan for Agriculture and Rural Development, but also in the activation of farmers’ self-government organisations and their more active participation in decision-making and representation of interests, which is why we have been familiarising ourselves with the self-government structures existing in the EU member states, and we have seen that the model of a chamber of agriculture, which is working well in France, Germany, Poland, Austria and Lithuania, suits well for Moldova. We aim to create a tool for a system of self-management for farmers in our country, to represent rural people and farmers. We see great potential for cooperation with the Lithuanian Chamber of Agriculture”, said Vladimir Bolea, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development of Moldova.

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